“Дедовский” способ для продления (более чем на 30 дней) триальных версий:
- Переводим время вперед (кому на сколько не жалко)
- Отключаем Интернет: Панель управления -> Центр управления сетями и общим доступом -> правой кнопкой по значку сетевого соединения -> отключить (на всякий случай, хотя, все прекрасно встает и без отключения И-нета)
- Устанавливаем Cubase Elements 8, 8.0.35 апдейт, VST-инструменты (весь список, или выборочно, кому как нравится), саунд-сеты к VSTi (если они нужны), делаем первый запуск (чтобы создалась лицензия)
- Закрываем все программы
- Включаем И-нет
- Возвращаем актуальную дату
- Наслаждаемся Кубом и плагинами минимум 30 лет )))
Если не работает (вылезает ошибка с лицензией), делаем так:
1) Сносим полностью Кубэйс
2) Устанавливаем отсюда самый последний eLicenser http://www.elicenser.net/en/latest_downloads.html
3) В командной строке от администратора вбиваем вот это:
del /F /Q "C:ProgramDataSyncrosoftSeLicenser.sel
call "C:Program Files (x86)eLicenserPOSSYNSOPOS.exe" /regsel
del /Q /F "C:ProgramDataeLicenserLogs"
call "C:Program Files (x86)eLicensereLCCeLCC.exe" -localsoftlicensedownload 02407CIQBQKDEJQQZWTTBL0015A28BA1
4) Далее перематываем дату вперёд на -цать лет
5) Вырубаем Инет
6) Устанавливаем Cubase, VSTi, дополнительные звуки (если нужно)
7) Пробуем открыть eLicenser - видим в нём появившуюся новую лицензию Cubase.
8) Отматываем дату, запускаем куб
В чём разница? Разница в том, что теперь у вас до установки Cubase есть eLicenser. Именно из-за этой мелочи не появлялась триальная лицензия при установке Cubase и возникала ошибка
Если не сработали 2 варианта лечения, попробуйте следующее:
1. Переводим время вперед
2. Отключаем интернет через панель управления
3. Устанавливаем Cubase Elements 8, затем 8.0.35 апдейт, VSTi, звуки (кому они нужны кроме DAW)
4. Ничего не запускаем
5. Включаем И-нет и возвращаем актуальную дату
6. Запускаем куб
Предварительно желательно удалить предыдущие версии eLicenser и других кубов, а также все их папки в Programm files и Programm files (X86) и Programm data/eLicenser и Syncrosoft.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
"Old fashioned" way for extension (more than 30 days) trial versions:-Translate time forward (to whom how not sorry)-Disable the Internet: Control Panel-> network and sharing Center-> right-click the icon for the network connection-> disable (just in case, though, everything gets up and without disconnecting and-NetA)-Install Cubase Elements 8 8.0.35, update, VST-instruments (the entire list, or selectively, who like) sound-sets to VSTi (if needed), making the first start (to achieve a license)-Close all programs-Include and-no-Return the current date-Enjoy the cube and plugins minimum 30 years)))If not running (error pops up with the license), do this:1) Demolish completely Kubèjs2) Install from here latest eLicenser http://www.elicenser.net/en/latest_downloads.html3) at a command prompt by admin drive here it is:del/F/Q "C:ProgramDataSyncrosoftSeLicenser.selcall "C:Program Files (x 86) eLicenserPOSSYNSOPOS.exe"/regseldel/Q/F "C:ProgramDataeLicenserLogs"call "C:Program Files (x 86) eLicensereLCCeLCC.exe"-localsoftlicensedownload 02407CIQBQKDEJQQZWTTBL0015A28BA14) Next perematyvaem date forward-years5) cut down Internet6) Install Cubase, VSTi, additional sounds (if needed)7) try to open the eLicenser-see it introduced a new license of Cubase.8) Otmatyvaem date, launch the cubeWhat is the difference? The difference is that you now have to install the Cubase is eLicenser. It is because of this trivia does not appear the trial license when you install the Cubase and errorIf not worked 2 treatment option, try the following:1. Translate the time ahead2. Disable Internet Control Panel3. install Cubase Elements 8, then 8.0.35 update, VSTi, sounds (whom they also need DAW)4. do not run the5. Turn on and no return current date6. run the cubePreviously, you may want to remove the previous version and other eLicenser cubes, as well as all their folder in Program files and Program files (x 86) and Program data/and Syncrosoft eLicenser.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
"Antiquated" way for the extension (more than 30 days) the trial version: - Translation of time to come (to how many do not mind) - Turning off the Internet: Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center -> right-click on the icon of the network connection - > disconnect (just in case, though, everything is fine and gets up without shutting down the I-neta) - Install Cubase Elements 8 8.0.35 update, the VST-instruments (the entire list, or selectively, as you like), sound-sets to the VSTi (if needed), making the first start (to create a license) - Close all programs - Turn and, no - returns the current date - Enjoy the Cube and plug at least 30 years old))) If you do not work (get out the error with a license), do so : 1) Demolition fully Kubeys 2) Set here the latest eLicenser http://www.elicenser.net/en/latest_downloads.html 3) At the command prompt as an administrator trying to drive here it is: del / the F / the Q "the C: the ProgramData the Syncrosoft SeLicenser.sel call "the C: Program the Files (the x86) eLicenser of POS SYNSOPOS.exe" / regsel del / the Q / the F "the C: the ProgramData eLicenser the Logs" call "the C: Program the Files (the x86 ) eLicenser eLCC eLCC.exe " -localsoftlicensedownload 02407CIQBQKDEJQQZWTTBL0015A28BA1 4) Then rewind the date forward on tsat years 5) We cut down Inet 6) Install Cubase, VSTi, additional sounds (if needed) 7) Try to open the eLicenser - see in it appeared new license Cubase. 8) unwound date, run the cube what is the difference? The difference is that now you have to install the Cubase eLicenser. It is because of this stuff does not appear at a trial license and install Cubase error occurred If you have not worked 2 treatment options, try the following: 1. Translate forward time 2. Turning off the Internet through the control panel 3. Install Cubase Elements 8, then 8.0.35 update, a VSTi, sounds (who needs them except DAW) 4. Do not run 5. Turn-and there is no return current date 6. Start the cube Pre desirable to remove the previous version of the eLicenser and other cubes, and all of their folders and Programm files Programm files (X86) and Programm data / eLicenser and Syncrosoft.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
"bonds" way to extend (more than 30 days) триальных versions:- we"re moving forward (who at the time not bad)- disable the internet: control panel - > network and sharing center - > right clicking on the icon network connectivity - > disable (just in case, although it is perfectly and without disconnection and the internet)installing Cubase elements 8, 8.0.35 update, VST tools (the list, or, selectively, who like), sound sets to VSTi (if they want), making the first launch to a license)- close all programsclosed and no- return the current date- enjoy the cube and plugins for at least 30 years)))if you don"t work in a license), do so.1) fully кубэйс bear2) set out the last eLicenser http: / / www.elicenser.net / en / latest _ downloads.html3) in the command line of the administrator вбиваем that:del / f / q "c: ProgramDataSyncrosoftSeLicenser.selcall "c: program files (x86) eLicenserPOSSYNSOPOS.exe" / regseldel / q / f "c: ProgramDataeLicenserLogs"call "c: program files (x86) eLicensereLCCeLCC.exe" localsoftlicensedownload 02407CIQBQKDEJQQZWTTBL0015A28BA1(4) further fast date forward to twenty years5) to knock down the internet6) are Cubase, VSTi, additional noise (if need)7) trying to open eLicenser - see it introduced a new license Cubase.8) отматываем date, start the cubewhat is the difference? the difference is that now you have to install the Cubase is eLicenser. precisely because of this change hasn"t been trial license installation Cubase and there was a mistake.if the two version of the treatment didn"t work, try the following:1. throw forward2. disable the internet through the control panel3. we Cubase elements 8, then 8.0.35 update, VSTi, sounds (whom they need but daw)4. don"t run5. light and no and returning the current date6. roll the cubea preferably remove previous versions eLicenser and other cubes, as well as all their files in the program files and program files (X86) and program data / eLicenser and Syncrosoft.
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