Содержание этих норм меняется в зависимости от природы конфликта, точн traduzione - Содержание этих норм меняется в зависимости от природы конфликта, точн Inglese come dire

Содержание этих норм меняется в зав

Содержание этих норм меняется в зависимости от природы конфликта, точнее , в зависимости от интенсивности и масштаба военных действий: чем серьезнее немеждународный вооруженный конфликт , тем многочисленнее и сложнее нормы права вооруженных конфликтов, которые к нему применяются.
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
The content of these rules varies depending on the nature of the conflict, or, depending on the intensity and extent of hostilities: the more serious the non-international armed conflict, the more numerous and complex rules of the law of armed conflict, which will be applied.
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
The content of these standards vary depending on the nature of the conflict, more precisely, depending on the intensity and scale of military operations: the more serious non-international armed conflict, the more numerous and more complex the law of armed conflict, which shall be applied.
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
The content of these norms will change depending on the nature of the conflict, to be more precise, depending on the intensity and scale military action: the more serious non-international armed conflict,Order and more numerous and more complex norm of the law of armed conflicts, which are to be applied.
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Altre lingue
La definizione di supporto dell'utensile: Afrikaans, Albanese, Amarico, Arabo, Armeno, Azero, Basco, Bengalese, Bielorusso, Birmano, Bosniaco, Bulgaro, Catalano, Cebuano, Ceco, Chichewa, Cinese, Cinese tradizionale, Coreano, Corso, Creolo haitiano, Croato, Curdo (kurmanji), Danese, Ebraico, Esperanto, Estone, Filippino, Finlandese, Francese, Frisone, Gaelico scozzese, Galiziano, Gallese, Georgiano, Giapponese, Giavanese, Greco, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaiano, Hindi, Hmong, Igbo, Inglese, Irlandese, Islandese, Italiano, Kannada, Kazako, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiso, Klingon, Lao, Latino, Lettone, Lituano, Lussemburghese, Macedone, Malayalam, Malese, Malgascio, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolo, Nepalese, Norvegese, Odia (oriya), Olandese, Pashto, Persiano, Polacco, Portoghese, Punjabi, Rileva lingua, Rumeno, Russo, Samoano, Serbo, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Singalese, Slovacco, Sloveno, Somalo, Spagnolo, Sundanese, Svedese, Swahili, Tagiko, Tailandese, Tamil, Tataro, Tedesco, Telugu, Turco, Turkmeno, Ucraino, Uiguro, Ungherese, Urdu, Uzbeco, Vietnamita, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, indonesiano, lingua di traduzione.

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